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The domestic audio Yuen Road won the CES2012 high performance home audio Award
Domestic famous enterprises of Mai Bo electric announced a few days ago, the company's high-end brand Xuan road one gains the year CES2012 &mdash — product innovation; high performance home audio award.

The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
The twentieth China international professional audio, lighting exhibition [2011-2-2]
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